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aLDRIN gOMES Research

Passionate About Helping Others

I grew up in Trinidad and Tobago and have always been interested in science. I enjoy interacting with students and investigating intracellular signaling that has not been previously explored.

Outside the lab I enjoy traveling with my family, hiking, drawing, painting, modern technology and movies.


More about my research could be found at the following links:

Research Gate

Google Scholar



UC Davis College of Biological Sciences Webpage

UC Davis School of Medicine faculty page

Happiest Life



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Aldrin V. Gomes, PhD

Professor and Vice-Chair of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior

Professor of Physiology and Membrane Biology

Muscle Physiology and Proteomics Laboratory

Did you know ibuprofen use increases your risk of stroke by up to 3 fold? Our laboratory is interested in the side effects of commonly used drugs, such as ibuprofen, on the heart. Our publications have significantly advanced our understanding of how some commonly used drugs damage our cells. We are also interested in the impaired protein degradation that is associated with many cardiac and skeletal muscle diseases. We investigate the signaling pathways involved in proteostasis (protein homeostasis) in cardiac and skeletal muscle diseases to determine mechanisms to prevent these diseases. 


Dr. Aldrin V. Gomes is an internationally recognized expert on Western Blotting and regularly collaborates with international companies and scientists in this area.


Graduate Group Affiliations
  • Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

  • Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology


Journal Editorial Boards that I am currently on

(Click on Journal for editorial board information)

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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevit

Areas of Research

The Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Side Effects of Commonly Used Drugs Such as Ibuprofen

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly used drugs worldwide. NSAIDs are used for pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and musculoskeletal disorders. The beneficial effects of NSAIDs in relieving pain are well established, and other benefits such as reducing inflammation and anticancer effects are also documented. The undesirable side effects of NSAIDs include ulcers, internal bleeding, kidney failure, and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. We are interested in what intracellular molecular pathways are involved in causing these side effects and how to prevent them.


The Role of the Proteasome in Cardiovascular Disease

Many students were taught that the lysosome was responsible for most of the intracellular protein degradation. However, it is the proteasome that is responsible and can up to 80% of all the intracellular proteins. The proteasome is a multicatalytic threonine protease complex that is a part of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). The UPS has been increasingly recognized as an integral component in numerous biological processes, including cell proliferation, adaptation to stress and cell death. The turnover of intracellular proteins inevitably affects the contributions of these molecules to cellular networks and pathways in any given tissue or organ, including the myocardium.

Role of Proteasome in Cardiomyopathies: Proteasome inhibitors block activities of the 20S and 26S proteasomes. In general, inhibition of UPS-mediated protein degradation by proteasome inhibitors leads to accumulation of proteasome substrates, including cyclins, transcriptional factors, tumor-suppressing proteins, and protooncogenes. The activity of the proteasome is significantly affected in cardiomyopathies, and the role of the proteasome in these cardiomyopathies is currently being investigated. The proteasomes are also involved in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer and Diabetes.

Ubiquitin Proteasome System 978-1-53613-

How to improve rigor and reproducibility in science with a special emphasis on Western Blotting and ELISA techniques.

My lab is interesting in improving how science is conducted. The laboratory has extensive expertise in Western Blotting and ELISA. The laboratory has also created new Western Blotting methods. While Dr. Gomes is an internationally recognized expert on Western Blotting, and he has also been called a Western blotting guru. However, we don't think anyone can ever be a guru since Western Blotting can be used in 1000s of different ways/methods and the Gomes Lab has only probably done it about 800 different ways.

How to improve University/Life Balance

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Everyone encounters stress at some time. Achieving a healthy University/life balance can improve relationships, stress management and productivity. Our motto in the lab is “Work Hard but also Play Hard.” As such we are always interested in ways to have fun and enjoy life outside the lab with the friends we made in the lab.

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176 Briggs Hall, One Shields Avenue,

University of California, Davis

Davis, CA 95616


Tel:  530-754-9548

Fax: 530-752-5582



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